Bust Directory

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Bust Of Lorenzo De' Medici Returned To Original Condition
Lorenzo de' Medici (1449/1521), the National Gallery of Art's famous portrait bust of Florence's wily Italian Renaissance statesman, returned to public view on July 28, 2006 after conservation work that started with more than ten years of extensiv

The Sculptor Behind The Ken Behring Bust - O Say Can You See?
When sculptor Marc Mellon was commissioned to create the bust of philanthropist Kenneth E. Behring, the artist gladly took up the job and shipped his modeling stand from Connecticut over to California to work directly with Behring. The finished product...

Site Listings

Bust Of Lorenzo De' Medici Returned To Original Condition
Lorenzo de' Medici (1449/1521), the National Gallery of Art's famous portrait bust of Florence's wily Italian Renaissance statesman, returned to public view on July ...

The Sculptor Behind The Ken Behring Bust - O Say Can You See?
When sculptor Marc Mellon was commissioned to create the bust of philanthropist Kenneth E. Behring, the artist gladly took up the job and shipped his modeling stand from ...

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