Latin American Animation Article about Vaivén, a cycle of animated shorts from Latin America - an animated journey through Latin America, at Madrid's Reina Sofía Museum until 12th March. Shrinkfish Studios Wins Animation Awards &Laquo; &Laquo; Myweku.Com Myweku.Com Given the enduring popularity of Western style animation, Africa probably does not spring to mind when considering animation. Site Listings Latin American Animation Article about Vaivén, a cycle of animated shorts from Latin America - an animated journey through Latin America, at Madrid's Reina Sofía Museum until 12th March. Shrinkfish Studios Wins Animation Awards &Laquo; &Laquo; Myweku.Com Myweku.Com Given the enduring popularity of Western style animation, Africa probably does not spring to mind when considering animation. Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the By Studios Directory |