Palmtherapy Directory

Featured Listings

A Review Of Palmtherapy - Humanhand.Com
PalmTherapy - Reprogram your mind through your hands.

Penny Weaver
Overview of the benefits of palmtherapy. Private practice located in Northville, Michigan.

Palmtherapy Relieving Anxiety Before Cardiac Catheterization
Palmtherapy relieving Anxiety before Cardiac Catheterization in Heart Patients - by Yossef Blaer & Moshe Zwang: At an invasive cardiology unit in Isreal.
Keywords: anxiety , cardiac catheterization , cardiology unit , heart patients

Site Listings

A Review Of Palmtherapy - Humanhand.Com
PalmTherapy - Reprogram your mind through your hands.

Penny Weaver
Overview of the benefits of palmtherapy. Private practice located in Northville, Michigan.

Palmtherapy Relieving Anxiety Before Cardiac Catheterization
Palmtherapy relieving Anxiety before Cardiac Catheterization in Heart Patients - by Yossef Blaer & Moshe Zwang: At an invasive cardiology unit in Isreal.
Keywords: anxiety , cardiac catheterization , cardiology unit , heart patients

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