16 And Bipolar My blog focuses on my life with bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and Tourettes syndrome. My blog also may offer help to any teen going through a similar situation. Keywords: anxiety disorder , bipolar disorder , help , medications , mood swings 16andbipolar.blogspot.com/ Teen Line Online This is a place to seek professional help for those who are contemplating suicide, know someone who is, or is a survivor of a suicide victim. teenlineonline.org/ Please Help Prevent Teen Suicide Early warning signs, coping, getting help, what to do, what NOT to do. kittn.tripod.com/ Site Listings 16 And Bipolar My blog focuses on my life with bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and Tourettes syndrome. My blog also may offer help to any teen going through a similar situation. Keywords: anxiety disorder , bipolar disorder , help , medications , mood swings 16andbipolar.blogspot.com/ Teen Line Online This is a place to seek professional help for those who are contemplating suicide, know someone who is, or is a survivor of a suicide victim. teenlineonline.org/ Please Help Prevent Teen Suicide Early warning signs, coping, getting help, what to do, what NOT to do. kittn.tripod.com/ The Bully Suicide Project We share our voices so that you can find the hope to stay alive to share yours! We are but people with a common voice... Love not hate. bullysuicideproject.ning.com/ Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the Suicide Directory |