Guide For Tacis Experts Working & Living In Turkmenistan A guide for expatriate experts with practical advice on preparations, arrival and formalities, and living and working there; produced by the National Coordinating Unit, EU Tacis Programme. &Quot;Gun&Quot; Publishing House Publishers of a number of Turkmen authors; includes biographies, and some samples of the work of the poet, Makhtumkuli. Latif Co.,Ltd [Cultural And Adventure Tours In Turkmenistan] Provides a range of adventure and special interest tours; describes their programs and services, with practical information about travel documents. Site Listings Guide For Tacis Experts Working & Living In Turkmenistan A guide for expatriate experts with practical advice on preparations, arrival and formalities, and living and working there; produced by the National Coordinating Unit... &Quot;Gun&Quot; Publishing House Publishers of a number of Turkmen authors; includes biographies, and some samples of the work of the poet, Makhtumkuli. Latif Co.,Ltd [Cultural And Adventure Tours In Turkmenistan] Provides a range of adventure and special interest tours; describes their programs and services, with practical information about travel documents. Turkmen A collection of audio visual resources and articles about Turkmen history, arts, and culture. Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the Turkmenistan Directory |