.:: Webqda webQDA is a qualitative data analysis software in a distributed collaborative environment (webqda.com). Keywords: analysis , aveiro , data , esfera , qualitative , software , university www.webqda.com Kwicfinder Web Concordancer &Amp; Online Research Tool Key Word in Context Web Concordance web search tool by William Fletcher. Presentation, screen shots, download and forum. www.kwicfinder.com/KWiCFinder.html Provalis Research - Qdaminer ≫ Description User-coded segments tool by Normand Péladeau featuring coding sequence, co-occurrences, clustering, multidimensional proximity plots, correspondence analysis, heatmaps. Presentation, screenshot, download and prices. www.provalisresearch.com/QDAMiner/QDAMinerDesc.html Site Listings .:: Webqda webQDA is a qualitative data analysis software in a distributed collaborative environment (webqda.com). Keywords: analysis , aveiro , data , esfera , qualitative , software , university www.webqda.com Kwicfinder Web Concordancer &Amp; Online Research Tool Key Word in Context Web Concordance web search tool by William Fletcher. Presentation, screen shots, download and forum. www.kwicfinder.com/KWiCFinder.html Provalis Research - Qdaminer ≫ Description User-coded segments tool by Normand Péladeau featuring coding sequence, co-occurrences, clustering, multidimensional proximity plots, correspondence analysis, heatmaps. www.provalisresearch.com/QDAMiner/QDAMinerDesc.html Textquest English, German and Spanish program with standardised category systems (such as Colin Martindale's), negation detection and interactive coding (following of Intext). Keywords: index , inhaltsanalyse , konkordanz , lesbarkeitsanalyse , textanalyse www.textquest.de/pages/intro.php Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the Qualitative Directory |