Special Olympics World Summer Games Athens 2011 Official website of the games, with a guide to sporting and non-sporting events, press releases, and details of their volunteer program. www.athens2011.org/en/ Special Olympics Australia Offers a calendar of events and coverage of past games. www.specialolympics.com.au/ Special Olympics Canada Dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport training and competition opportunities; describes their programs for athletes and volunteers, and how to get involved. www.specialolympics.ca/ Site Listings Special Olympics Australia Offers a calendar of events and coverage of past games. www.specialolympics.com.au/ Special Olympics Canada Dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport training and competition opportunities; describes their programs for ... www.specialolympics.ca/ Sogb - Special Olympics Great Britain Provider of a year-round sports training and competition program for people with learning disabilities. Includes details of sports, national and international events... www.sogb.org.uk/ Special Olympics New Zealand Offers a year round program of sports training and competition for young people and adults with an intellectual disability. Provides information about local, national... www.specialolympics.org.nz/ Special Olympics Victoria Provides year-round sports training and competition for people with an intellectual disability in Victoria, Australia; includes details of sports, programs, events... www.specialolympics.org.au/ Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the Special Olympics Directory |