bsd Directory

Ispire.Me - It How-To, Secrets And Helpful Hints
ISPIRE.ME - IT Howto, tech secrets, tech helpful hints. Technical issues and solutions. IT related cloud and web stuff.
Keyword: cloud computing , cloudstack , debian , freebsd , it howtos , openstack , proxmox , smartos , stackops , sysadmin

Networking How To And Info-Intro To Network Tech
A weblog from written by the network technician's and programmers at ARIN Org DD-49 Dylfab Computer Networks. Coving mainly network and Linux topics.
Keyword: bsd , dd-49 , faq , guides , how-to , hub , ipv6 , linux , protocol , request for comments , rfc , router , switch , unix

Freebsd - The Unknown Giant
FreeBSD related news, development and releases
Keyword: freebsd , pc-bsd , server operating system , unix

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