debian Directory

Ispire.Me - It How-To, Secrets And Helpful Hints
ISPIRE.ME - IT Howto, tech secrets, tech helpful hints. Technical issues and solutions. IT related cloud and web stuff.
Keyword: cloud computing , cloudstack , debian , freebsd , it howtos , openstack , proxmox , smartos , stackops , sysadmin

Project page of SparkyLinux distribution develops by team
Keyword: debian , distribution , e17 , fluxbox , linux , sparky

Home - Macroware
An "Organization" that deals with alot of computer stuff like linux, ubuntu, debian, HTML, PHP, CSS and alot more
Keyword: c , c++ , css , debian , fedora , html , kernel , linux , macroware , php , ubuntu

Frederik Konietzny
blog about linux system administration including tutorials and howtos
Keyword: apache , bash , debian , drbd , hadoop , heartbeat , high availability , linux , shell script

Bytecoders | Linux, Asterisk, Ppc Y Otros Gadgets
La finalidad de este sitio es ofrecer un espacio donde realizar nuestras anotaciones y resolver nuestras dudas acerca de Linux y todo lo relacionado con el software libre, adem�s de ser de utilidad a diferentes usuarios de PDAs.
Keyword: asterisk , debian , drupal , mobile , pda , ppc , ubuntu , voip

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