greed Directory

Open Your Minds
A site for the ones who want to see the world just a little different.
Keyword: drugs , greed , love , money , parenting , power

Wikipedia 'Editors' Censor Bilderberg's Nazi Roots
Did you know that most of the money in the world is controlled by secretive financial/political/military clubs that meet in secret behind the scenes? Welcome to the shady world of the Bilderbergerg Conferences and see evidence proving that the club was set
Keyword: bank , banking , banks , bildenberg , bilderberg , bilderberger , bilderburg , club , gosling , greed , illuminati , media , money , power

Down With Any Elite
A revolutionary political theory and new action methods to change the balance of power between elite and mass. 200,000 euro a year is the LIMIT!
Keyword: autonomy , catastrophe , chaos , elite , evolution , extravagance , greed , new world order , revolution , violence , wealth

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