surnames Directory

Surname Search Utility
A free research tool for finding genealogical information about a surname.
Keyword: family surname , surname , surname finder , surname origin , surname research , surname search , surname tools , surnames

Online Death Records Genealogy
Free genealogy search for surnames, find surnames, search for ancestors, find ancestors among all the surnames listed on Surname Genealogy Archive. Our free genealogy database contains transcribed documents and lists of names from the past, and obituaries
Keyword: ancesters , death records index , documents , find ancestors , find surnames , free database , genealogy , search ancestors , search surnames

The Guild Of One-Name Studies
The Guild of One-Name Studies, the world's leading organisation for surname studies, is a charitable body bringing together those with an interest in one-name studies and other forms of surnames study.The website gives details of activities and publicat
Keyword: genealogy , geneology , one-name studies , surname , surnames

Duronia: Comune Del Molise
La storia di Duronia, un piccolo paese in Campobasso, e tutti i Duroniesi sparsi nel mondo. Un sito dedicato a dare tutte notizie e informazione non solo di Duronia, ma pure i paesi d'intorno.
Keyword: campobasso , duronia , duroniesi , italia , italian surnames , italiano , la vianova , molisani , molise , touristi , tourists

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