Tuvalu Directory

Featured Listings

Build The Future With 10000 Tuvaluans
Project run by Tuvalu Overview which aims to compile photographs and interviews with every Tuvaluan.

Alofa Tuvalu
Campaigns for assistance for Tuvalu to combat the problems caused by climate change; includes a downloadable ten year plan document, details of the islands' history and culture and an examination of the effects felt so far.

Nanumea Website
A website devoted to Nanumea Atoll, Tuvalu -- its people, culture, history and especially its young and future generations
Keywords: anthropology , kaumaile , lakena , nameana , nanumea , pai and vau , polynesian culture

Site Listings

Build The Future With 10000 Tuvaluans
Project run by Tuvalu Overview which aims to compile photographs and interviews with every Tuvaluan.

Alofa Tuvalu
Campaigns for assistance for Tuvalu to combat the problems caused by climate change; includes a downloadable ten year plan document, details of the islands' history and ...

Nanumea Website
A website devoted to Nanumea Atoll, Tuvalu -- its people, culture, history and especially its young and future generations
Keywords: anthropology , kaumaile , lakena , nameana , nanumea , pai and vau , polynesian culture

The Sinking Of Tuvalu | Juriaan Booij
Recent Work of Juriaan Booij
Keywords: booij , book , book sinking , document , juriaan , juriaan booij , juriaan booij

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